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Soliloquist's Blog : All Conversations are One-Way.

My Favourite Posts, Pick One :

Friday, June 15, 2007

Funny Ha Ha

When I watched Funny Ha Ha earlier today, I would never thought I could think this way : "Nah, that seals it! I'm gonna be like Marnie!"

This is one of the movie which when you start to watch it, you have two options to do next, either keep watching a plotless drama for ninety minutes or just shut it off. Though most people would take option number two, I eagerly watched the whole thing, coz I didn't find this movie any good, I found it amazing!

As a movie which shows reality as the way it is really lived, I felt so attached to this film. It's about a life of an ordinary girl, living a very ordinary life in Boston, Massachusetts.. It's so far from here, but everything seems to be similiar. It's a nice feeling watching a movie that very much like your current living situation.

After finishing watching it, I thought about a lot of things. Life has no plot, has no ending, so you won't be spoiled. But yet it's so damn complicated. Friends they come and go. One minute you're with them, but the other minute they've married. Some lie, some tell you the truth. Life is a land of awkwardness. Conversations are filled with awkward laughthers, misunderstandings, and mistakes. It's hard to communicate to each other when everything you say means a hundred new meanings. This is what this movie is like. This is why I like it.

I have been showered by the urge to find my happiness back. A hope that has been blown away. I promised that today I would do a few different things and look at things in a very different ways. I promised myself not to dwell in sadness no more, that I would lead a new chapter, again, just to find the simple thing that has gone away. My hope.

Funny Ha Ha trailer

Marnie wrote down a list of things to do. Few of them were to learn to play chess, spend more time outside, be friends with Jackie, and a lot more. I thought of it myself. Why can't I?

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing and I don't feel the same

You're gone from here
Soon you will disappear
Fading into beautiful light
'cos everybody's changing
And I don't feel right

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing and I don't feel the same

If I am to make changes in me, now it's the best start. And so I will. Coz everybody changes. My friends, my job, my life, the world... and now, it's my turn.

My To Do List
1. Be more cheerful.
2. Find new people and make new friends.
3. Save more money and go to bank
4. Give up Cy. Be a good friend.
5. Buy Nip/Tuck Season 4
6. Watch Shrek 3 and Fantastic 4 [Rise of Silver Surfer]
7. Do more exercise
8. Meet old friends such as HQ, Mei, Jacq, Watta, etc
9. Complain less about Indonesia
10. Reread Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Beautiful Marnie in the film

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