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Soliloquist's Blog : All Conversations are One-Way.

My Favourite Posts, Pick One :

Monday, July 09, 2007

Back To School

It's been four years since I graduated from my high school Sutomo 1 Medan and kissed them goodbye. And I haven't been back there since then. Well, two years previously, I paid a very short visit there to get my High School Memorial Album, but I guess it didn't count because I was only there for several minutes, not even enough to see how that old school was doing.

But yesterday, I went back there only to see what's been going on, to clarify many rumours I've heard about the school, and to take lots and lots of pictures. Well... as you can see below.. I will start from the buildings.

I found this on the ground, in front of Building B, or A, I don't really get the naming of the buildings now. There are a lot of changes here I can only gasp and wow.

Below are the views of the building taken in different angles. Quite fascinated, right? I found it luxurious, hotel-like, and artistically eye-popping. LOLz

From the roof of Building A (I guess)

From the balcony of formerly English Lab.

From very end of some corridor...

Well, I didn't come there by my self though. Initially, a good old friend of mine invited me to. He said he wanted to revisit our school, and I thought it would be a wonderful thing to do than just sitting around and watching movies.

He's one of the brightest students there in my year. He was in the Olympiade of Chemistry Tournament.. (I guess) hahaha

With no more bullshit, let me introduce you all...

please welcome...


Mr. Riki Lidian aka Kiri Dilian...

Sorry dude, hehe.

OK. Back to the school. Everytime I entered and saw new developments made to the school, I was just wowed and wowed, mouth opened, and just surprised how pretentious my old school has become.

There are even new skycrosses between the buildings.

This is taken from the back of the building. Near the back entrance from Jalan Bulan. Sure things have changed.

This is the security from the main gate. Oh yeah.. now they have two main gates from Jalan Bintang.

This is one of few things that haven't changed, the old back gate. I remembered I used to pass it to escape to Medan Mall with my friends after classes.

This is the new teacher's office. Quite large, huh? Neat too. And it's not the only one. I guess there are now 4 or 5 teacher's offices in the school. How many teachers are there?

Oh yeah, if you wonder how we were able to take these pictures of rooms and stuffs, we took liberties to enter every room possible to enter, climb every roof possible to climb. We raped the whole buildings. Hehehe... It's just lucky these rooms weren't locked up, though some of them were.

There were some large rooms we didn't know what for. They were not used as classes, offices or anything. So we got in and started camwhoring here and there. Lol.

When I asked Riki why he didn't take the view from the window, he said that the blue curtain and the light contrasted my yellow shirt. Whatever, dude. Hahaha...

move on... it's not a good picture to linger on for seceral minutes... ;D

Nah, this's the new toilet. I felt like going to a prison cell rather than a safe toilet. What if when we are "doo-doo-ing, poo-poo-ing, or pee-pee-ing" and the door suddenly closed and we are locked in a narrow space with odourful scent everywhere? Thank your God I am no longer schooling here... :P

This is the look of the new class. Everything looked so neat and tidy. I bet one month after it was occupied, the tables were no longer green. Hohoho... Oh yeah, the class stank of the mixture of paint and pesticide.

This is the new library, and it's inside a building now. As you can see, it's closed so we couldn't go in there. But we managed to capture a picture of glimpse of what's inside.


And now the canteens. There were 3 of them, as fas as I can remember.

I remembered to have learned dancing here before... at the very last year of my time there. The dance was for the farewell party. But of course it had no chairs and tables yet. What a distant but good memories.

The main Canteen.

Later, we visited our old classrooms. Riki, as you can see below, was trying to get inside his old IPA-1 D'Royal O'Hana classroom. His old class hasn't changed very much.

But when I tried to find where my IPA 4 Never Winter Class was, ....
I couldn't.

Turned out my old class had been torn and rebuilt. It's totally a different class now, and I couldn't recognize it anymore even when I was standing in front of it. Hikz.. That's Riki pointing at my new old-class. So much for Never Winter.

This is only a tiny bit of the whole "Mading" wall. It hasn't changed much. They still have E=mc2 and Pekan Prestasi, though I couldn't find HKS3 and Moshi-Moshi anywhere.

This is the gorgeous park right outside the canteen. Notice there's a small fountain. I saw a lot of new fountains in this school. Why, huh?

And then we went to the "Gedung Lama" section, and we found a lot of abandoned buildings from my time. Whatever happened to my old library? Lets find out...


Oh.. I'm so sad. This separated building had always had a unique memory to me. I couldn't think of why they had to (almost) tear it down.

Sometimes, when I was in there, I just wanted to yell outloud how nice it was to be back to my old school, though it has been different. I wondered how would that make me feel...

Well, I probably won't have to wonder.

Most parts of "Gedung Lama" have been transformed into silly parks and places for their students to make out. It's quite a romantic place for young couples too. I guess the students-couples nowadays have their puppy loves stories happened and told under these trees

But as jealous as I may seem (having never got the chance to experience a love drama here...), I would NEVER ruin their chances by scaring them with my gruesome face and sudden appearances...


See the fountain behind me? No! Not the yellow one. Behind it! I said stop looking... why are you keep looking at me...? I said behind me! BEHIND ME!

See how I meant by silly parks?

They even have a mango tree, for crying out loud.

And then Riki wanted to see what happened to our old Chemistry Lab. What we found, may have struck him to death.

The building have been eaten by termites, if not by human-termite...

... or become a parking lot...

... or become a nest for mosquitoes and frogs....

... or become a parking lot.

Well, you decide.

We went to the roof and received some great wind blowing us, probably trying to throw us off the building. I wondered why they make a roof there and nothing's there. Perhaps they were preparing for a place for students to commit suicide later... you know.. students with behaviour like mine. Lolz.

Relax, I still wanted to live. So I just hung out by the stairs...

Riki, on the other hand, thought differently.

I gave him the best support I could give.

but we ended up taking pictures and somehow forget about his suicide plan.

The view of "Gedung Lama" from up here.

Maybe the beautiful views has somehow blinded Riki, for his eyes were narrowed sharply all the way back.

I, meanwhile, has been addicted to camwhoring and become more narcisstic than ever.

Perhaps you wonder about the famous tower, the symbol of the school, the-one-thing-they-can't-tear-down-because-I-would-kick-their-asses-if-they-dare-to tower. Well, of course I have it captured....

For Zeus's sake, pose better, Riki!

Sigh.. nah.. see the expert!

I think I became too happy about the tower that I decided to make love with the pillar.

Well, I guess this is the time the journey [should] end.

But one more thing, we encountered Mr. Rudiharjon too, he was and is the Diciplinarian Member known as "BP"... (Badan Penyiksa)

Well, in the end... it's good to be back!



  1. Jah, sekolah apa neh?? Ga ada mirip2nya ma dolo... --'

  2. Mmg serius, tu skul da disulap n berubah banget!! Kok pas wkt kita skul gk kek gitu ya? loe yakin lu ke skul kt dulu? gk nyasar kan?


    btw, naris dey loe, ampe foto2 banyak bgt. sayang pake hp.. haha.. jadina kek gitu d.. wkwk, jangan marah say!

    Btw, lucu tu yang ada ballon conversationnya, wa tahu perjuangan loe pas buat2 n edit2 gitu gk gampang! -_-! makanya wa puji2 biar gk sedih.. n.. ada beberapa (semua) foto lu yang lu keliatan kek bola (gemuk).. haha.

    n.. toilet! Itu toilet da mending la walao rada2 mirip kek prison break but afterall lebih classy dari punya kita dul--yang lantainya penuh dengan genangan2 air kencing, bau NH3 (amonia kan?), bongkah2an taik dsb. Yang ini keknya da gk ada lagi kan?? haha..

    Trus lu lupa foto ma siao kongnya (yang sapu2 n bersiin toilet).. you sud put a caption.. ",my long lost bro, finally i found you" huehehe.. j'k! Denger2 para2 siao kong da berseragam n lebih macho lo.. kok gk foto?

    n.. the tingkat paling tinggi apa ini bhs inggrisnya ya? bhs hockiennya sai pe, wkwk. Asli la tu.. bisa jadi TKP suicidal liao. Wa harap2 sutomo attempt to make student suicide bakal gk terjadi de..

    Mmmm.. wangi kangkung belacan.. jadi laper. eh ups, kok jadi blg ini, out of topic!

    kok kantinnya lu gk foto2 menunya? liat masih ada kecoak gk.. aienya masih kepot n pelit gk?. Dulu teh manisnya kan ada kecoak n the straw gk dichanged. haha.

    Koperasinya mana? kok gk difoto? wa mau tahu sekarang koperasinya jual apa aja.. n penjualnnya masih jelek gk.. hahaha.

    Perpusnya lumayan keren. Sayang lu gk bisa masuk.. ya sudahlah.. lupakan

    Komputer labnya harus difoto la lu.. gimana la. Denger2 fully internet.. keren kan? Ac-nya? Guru2nya? Oh iya libur. Wa kok cerewet kali ya? Help, wa gk bisa berenti ketik.

    Eh, sayang pas lu ngunjunginnya hari libur. kalo gk, lu pasti bisa ketemu guru favorit lu aka kembaran wa.. Tjiek Kie.. haha. N lu bisa narsis2an ama dia n post di blog. ^^

    Oh ya, lupa blg, gaya lu yang dibawah lonceng kebanggan itu emang bikin wa dikit muntah lo.. tapi wa telan lagi. tenang2.. wkwk. Aduh, jadi kangen ma sut neh.. i wan go bek. wkwk. Oh ya, kelas kita, lu yakin itu? kok jd kek gitu? haha..

    Mau blg apa lagi ya.. keknya banyak ni.. tapi lupa semua.. haha..

    Eh, toiletnya masih bau gk? gk kan? bikin pai se aja la kalo ada.. n masih bisa banjir gk? haha.. ya uda la.. panjang kan?

    Pake bhs indo ni biar ketiknya cepet n gk perlu cek kamus. Lagian kan seru kalo pake bhs indo.. lain drpd yang lain.. gk pernah kan? eh.. gimana kalo kita buat post blog pake bhs indo.. n jelek2in org yang ada dimalaysia itu.. hahahaha.. macam mereka gk ngerti aja.. ya uda.. ciao...~~~~~~~~~~~~~


    capek.. ngetik tanpa henti, sorry kalo ada typo.. gk cek lagi ye. n kalo ada penulisan, imbuhan n grammar yang salah harap maaf.. krn bhs indo I emang gk bgs.. haha.. ciao~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ciao~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ banyak kali ciaonya.. cya cya cya cya cya bye bye bye bye bye bye udhlah tar org lain pikir wa suka ma lu pulak!

  3. There were some large rooms we didn't know what for. They were not used as classes, offices or anything. So we got in and started camwhoring here and there. Lol.

    Eh, mungkin Kamar Kebutuhan atau Kamar Datang dan Pergi?

  4. Sekolah siapa tuh?
    Nga kenal lagi....
    Banyak yang berubah ya.
    --remember the good old times--

  5. napa skulnya berubah kayak gitu. kayak ga ada master gedungnya ga kreatif, just bricks and paints. Hideous.

  6. funni^^..images are alright, the scripts are excellent though^^..Good job overall, but so kecakepan bgt..Ngaca donk! :p

  7. fantastic blog,funny.u make me miss my high school now.^^ mimi

  8. Thanks for the lovely blog. Guess all alumni got the chance to re-visit their "dear old school memories". Though I'm glad to see improvement, the question remains "Has Sutomo move a step forward or a step backward?". Agree w/ Subur, the buildings are piling of stones n sands. The gardens aren't suitable for schools. Aside from these apparent change in look n shape, how is the quality of its graduates now?

    The good old dayz feel like a great distant away with the prided bell tower looks so deserted and uncared for. Really, "the" Sutomo in my memory looks more lovely (and classic w/ the bit of old touches on every wall).

    Lastly, hope the existence of 3 canteen won't kill the chance for (financially struggling) students to develop their business skills -- u know what I mean!

    P.S. Friends, I miss you more than I miss those buildings (=^o^=)

  9. Wow....
    Where is my old sutomo?
    a little jorok and old fashion, but hommy ( akrab maksudnya ).
    Walaupun sutomo sekarang dah keren abis, tapi tetap sutomo lama lebih asik.....
    Sekarang ga bisa olah raga di lapangan lagi...
    Kemana perpus tempat pak rusa main piano? T.T
    Kemana lonceng simbol sutomo?T.T
    Kemana ruang kelas yang banyak nyamuk?T.T

  10. Good write-up. *thumbs up* Wah really changed a lot.

  11. An extreme makeover indeed.. my Alma Mater.
    Tapi yg diperbaharui jangan gedungnya doank donk. Standard pendidikannya juga. Leave rote-learning alone.
