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Soliloquist's Blog : All Conversations are One-Way.

My Favourite Posts, Pick One :

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Stomach Torture

Do you, perhaps, remember all the times when you're in high school and you saw an extremely gorgeous girl whom you knew at that moment could and would steal your heart away? And you thought that you wanted to say hi to that girl, make an introduction of yourself, or perhaps even call her from your telephone at home the latter night? And then you would feel really really nervous, like the sweat of your body had all just came out and drowned you?

Do you remember a moment like that in your past life?

I can recall "some" of that embarrassing times.

Although, as the time passed by and you have become an adult man who's working twenty four seven, you would think that little silly things like that won't bother you no more, and that you can now ask a girl or woman out without hesitating or having a stomach ache hence the urge to poop.

You think you have overcome that.


Yesterday morning I had a noodle for breakfast which expiration date I didn't check. Thus, I was food poisoned all day and it went on until today.

My stomach is swirling inside of me. It feels like something is about to burst out of your butt and yet you can't allow that to happen.

Now, imagine the force you have to hold to endure that kind of pain all day.


Now combine the two topics above together, and you get this :

You are having a stomachache from your last night's food poisoning and when you're struggling hard to endure the pain of that, your stomach is shaken and twisted (once again) by the nervousness of calling a girl you like, asking her to spend the day with you for no good reason at all...

That sucks.


What do you mean did I accomplish asking her out today?

I failed of course, but not because I didn't have the guts to call her. But it's because of my freakin' stomach torture!!



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