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Soliloquist's Blog : All Conversations are One-Way.

My Favourite Posts, Pick One :

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Grandpa's 88th Birthday

Yeah... I'm a little tired after coming back from the two and half hour Narnia Prince Caspian. You know.. it's a troublesome matter, but that stupid so-called "Prince" was in trouble and he blew the damn horn, and hence called me and sucked me into the inter-dimensional wormhole.

I woke up in a ruined world called Narnia which was apparently had passed 1300 in its own time. But enough about that. The point is, Riwan, Me, Freddy and Sylvia are back in this world after two hours and more. It's a great movie by the way. But I'm excited to post this entry, probably because last night was my Grandpa's 88th birthday.

It was an awkward night at first, since everybody (and I mean, everybody) was coming, even the ones I don't know. It's only then I wondered how many people could I be related with. There were my father's cousin, my grandpa's wife's second brother's son, or my grandpa's father's third wife's grand daughther... Huh..

But eventually, last night was about my grandfather. He looked quite cool with a tuxedo. Hahaha... and I think last night made him very very happy, because I could see that he was so pleased that all of his big families were in the same room.

My grandpa has four sons and two daughters, and from there on, he has more than twenty grandchildren and several new born grand-grandchildren.

The party was held in the second floor of Grand Kowloon, the next-door Drama Queen's restaurant. The food wasn't really great, may I say... aside from the Fried Chicken I just looovved. ^^

So I think I should say no more and just let the pictures flow. (Hey, that rhymes...)

Up there is the picture of My Grandpa (right) and My Grandpa's wife's brother (left). They both are good friends and almost equally old, though it doesn't look that way.

I think this is the first time, but I will post the pictures of my family, except maybe for my brother, he doesn't really like being photographed.

This nice picture was taken by me. See how nice they looked... My sister wasn't a brilliant photographer herself, because when she took a picture of me and my grandfather... well..

Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

... not too great a picture, I think (too high and too far). But a nice one, instead. I looked funny there, I guess. Next...


That's my Mom and Dad on the left and my Mom and me on the right. I looked pretty scary there.. Why did my pictures look weird? But I got another one that's quite cool.


Nah, There I looked OK.

My sister was beautiful right? Though last night she ate up a lot of HU CHEE. She took four bowls of those. Apparently, she likes it. I didn't know what to say, so I snapped a picture while she was eating the first three bowls.

After she finished with them, I could swear she looked a bit different from usual. So I took another picture to compare.


Can you tell the difference?

My father was another case. He was also pretty happy. That's probably why everytime I had him photographed, he did something hilarious.


It was shaky because my sister laughed her nose off at the time she took this. But look how cute was my father? Hehe.

Here's clearer but deadlier picture...


I don't know what he did with with fake teeth but we were laughing our asses off when we saw this picture. It's a picture of the day (or night). I guess.

But probably Dad was really happy because he had just sung numberous songs and got some ang-pau-s a.k.a red pockets from his fellow brothers and sisters.



My brother took this one, and a careless one too. Hehe.

The green girl was my older brother's girl friend.


Mom also did some sit-down singing too. Hehe.


My sis' natural pose.

Eventually, all I could say is that I never thought it would turn out to be a great night, but it did, and I'm just happy because everybody is.


Good night.


  1. hahaha.. tidak keliatan gemuk disini lo jel.. masih mending..

    trus mei2 lu cakep sekale ya.. kok kokoknya begitu? haha.. trus papa lu begitu lucuuu.. haha.. kok keliatannya familiar ya.. wa pernah ketemu dia ya?

    wa bisa bayangin pas dia pose tu kerupuk dia ketawa geli sendiri.. trus mei2 lu ketawa2 gk berneti2.. trus lu gk sabar pengen dfoto.. HAHAHA>. trus koko lu menatap kalian dengan aneh.. trus the green girl berusaha untuk tertawa bersama juga.. HAHA.

    Mama lu kataraknya da sembuh blm? masih harus pake kaca mata hitam kah? keknya lu mirip papa lu yaa.. tapi bentuk muka lu diambil dari mama lu.. haha.. so wa yakin lu bukan adopted skrng.. hahahaa!!

    hahaha.. pas lu blg makan di grand kowloon wa langsung kaget.. hahaha.. lucu sekale.. haha! n berani2nya lu blg makanannya gk enak jelll.. tapi gpp la.. mgkn lidah lu yg gk sama dgn lidah manusia

    oh ya... mei2 lu makan 4 mangkok shark fin soup T_T kasian sharknya laaa.... unenviromentally frendly... wa mau suruh papa wa gk bole jual itu la... T_T uda itu aja.. keingat adek lu makan shark fin soup.. wa jadi sedih.. wa nangis dulu ya jell.. dagh

  2. tidak keliatan gemuk disini lo jel.. masih mending..

    memang gak gemuk kok dari dulu.. dasar...

    trus mei2 lu cakep sekale ya..

    Ya iya donk... udah kokonya seganteng ini lagi...

    kok kokoknya begitu?

    mei2 gw gak berkokok.. soalnya dia bukan ayam jantan... dia tuh naga betina.. hahaha

    haha.. trus papa lu begitu lucuuu.. haha.. kok keliatannya familiar ya.. wa pernah ketemu dia ya?

    mungkin lu pernah mimpi dia kali.. :P

    wa bisa bayangin pas dia pose tu kerupuk dia ketawa geli sendiri.. trus mei2 lu ketawa2 gk berneti2.. trus lu gk sabar pengen dfoto.. HAHAHA>. trus koko lu menatap kalian dengan aneh.. trus the green girl berusaha untuk tertawa bersama juga.. HAHA.

    Imaginasi lu terlalu banyak...

    Mama lu kataraknya da sembuh blm? masih harus pake kaca mata hitam kah?

    udah sembuh donk yang dulu.. kan udah lama banget.. hehe..

    keknya lu mirip papa lu yaa.. tapi bentuk muka lu diambil dari mama lu.. haha.. so wa yakin lu bukan adopted skrng.. hahahaa!!

    oh ya.. baru pertama kali ada yang bilang gitu.. biasanya wa dimiripkan sama mama...

    hahaha.. pas lu blg makan di grand kowloon wa langsung kaget..

    masa sih? hari itu wa juga pernah ke kowloon.. wa ada sms ke nomor lu yang singapore tapi kayaknya lu gak terima, karena lu gak balas.. wa bilang "Tebak wa lagi dimana?" terus wa kasi beberapa hint gambaran tentang benda2 yang hanya ada di kowloon..

    hahaha.. lucu sekale.. haha! n berani2nya lu blg makanannya gk enak jelll.. tapi gpp la.. mgkn lidah lu yg gk sama dgn lidah manusia

    makanannya OK lah.. gak fenomenal sih.. tapi OK la.. hehehe.. jangan sedih ya... lidah wa memang susah dipuaskan er lo waakaka


    oh ya... mei2 lu makan 4 mangkok shark fin soup T_T kasian sharknya laaa.... unenviromentally frendly... wa mau suruh papa wa gk bole jual itu la... T_T uda itu aja..

    Iya.. wa juga gak suka itu.. sejak kecil gak pernah suka.. tapi selalu ada waktu pesta di restaurant apa saja.. hilangkan aja deh..

    keingat adek lu makan shark fin soup.. wa jadi sedih.. wa nangis dulu ya jell.. dagh

    apaan sih? cengeng banget. hahaha.. thx udah komen ya. kekeke komentar lu wa komen lagi wakakaka
