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Soliloquist's Blog : All Conversations are One-Way.

My Favourite Posts, Pick One :

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Three Things I Did Today, well... out of not so many

Thing No 1

So, few days earlier, I cast this spell on to one of my students.

"Sun Shine Butter Bubble Big"
"Turn This Girl into a Pig"

It failed.

"It failed." I said to her.

"Why?" she asked me back.

"It couldn't work because you already ARE a pig."

Today, I caught her in the same mood again. And so I waved my old wand yet again.

"Sun Shine Butter Bubble Big"
"Turn This Girl into a Pig"

I silenced for a moment.

"It failed." I said to her.

"..." she didn't say a thing.

"You wanna know why?"

"I know. I know. Because I already am a pig." she said for-a-matter-of-fact kinda way.

"No. It wouldn't work because I am NOT a wizard."

Her younger sister laughed and shot her drinks into her nose. But I ignored that, and looked at the stiffed look on her.

"Er... did you actually admit that you are a pig? It wasn't a real shock to me, though."


Thing No 2 (and by thing, I don't mean pooping; and by number 2, I don't mean pooping)

Not too big a deal. I bought some DVDs I thought would cheer me up and lighten me up. It's the movies I haven't watched yet due to the "unlimited sparetime" I had.

They were : Ghost Rider, The Pursuit of Happiness, and Charlotte's Web


Oh yeah, the second one, that movie with Will Smith in it, I have been wanting to see it since everybody I know who had watched that, told me it was a great and touching movie. Let's hope I have the time to watch it, tonight.

And while I was paying for these movies, the DVD-guy accidentally inserted Death Note 2 between Ghost Rider and The Pursuit of Happiness. I tested Death Note 2 before, but I found out that the subtitle was no good. So I unpicked it. But it seemed like faith wanted me to have it, in some way I couldn't get. But what the hell? I got my free stuff for today. I ain't coming back to that place no more. :P


Thing No 3

Not too long before I bought the movies, I arrived at Thamrin Plaza, precisely as it rained. Heavily. So hurriedly, I grabbed my helmet and my jacket and ran inside the building after I had parked my bike.

It's just after three or five minutes later, and I've been in the third floor looking for bathroom----that I realized I didn't have my key with me. My bike's. WTF!

I ran like a man before Gozilla, hoping three or five minutes weren't enough for someone to steal my bike, even that I had parked it in a secure parking. I wouldn't take a risk on that one.

Breathlessly, I found my key hanging cheerfully on my bike, was all wet due to the rain, just like the owner.

I hurried back inside to find a toilet.

Phew! That was close.


  1. hillarious post !!

    I love this post.. hahaha.. esp the wizard part ^^..

    short comment! =P

    *disapparate keamanan*

  2. typo tuh.. seharusnya *disaparat keamanan*

